Whispers from the Ranch

Understanding your horse's dietary needs is vital for its health and performance. Learn the basics of equine nutrition in this comprehensive guide.

Understanding Horse Nutrition

Every horse owner must grasp the basics of equine nutrition to ensure their horse's health and performance. Horses require a balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals to thrive. The cornerstone of a good diet is good-quality forage, making up about 60-70% of an adult horse's intake.


Carbohydrates are the primary energy source for horses. They come in the form of hay, pasture, and grains. However, an excess can lead to metabolic issues.


Proteins are crucial for muscle development and repair. Legumes like alfalfa are excellent protein sources.

Fats and Oils

Fats provide a concentrated energy source that can enhance coat condition. Oils from flaxseed or soybean can be added to diets.

Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are needed in smaller quantities but are essential for bodily functions. A variety of commercial feeds are fortified to meet these needs.


Feeding your horse a balanced diet tailored to its age, weight, and activity level will help maintain its health and well-being over the long run.

John Horselover
John Horselover is a lifelong equestrian enthusiast with over twenty years of experience in horse care, training, and riding. He has competed in various regional events and committed his retirement to fostering rescue horses. Writing as a way to share his passion, John provides insights on equine nutrition, training, and sustainable ranch management.
John Horselover is a lifelong equestrian enthusiast with over twenty years of experience in horse care, training, and riding. He has competed in various regional events and committed his retirement to fostering rescue horses. Writing as a way to share his passion, John provides insights on equine nutrition, training, and sustainable ranch management.

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